Full publication list

I’m not a fan of the closed academic publications system, so I try to have some form of version of all my papers available for free, as permitted by journal rules. If you want a full copy of any paper, do not hesitate to email me directly at cgfoster[ at]gmail[dot ]com

Journal Articles

Heeks, R., Ospina, A., Foster, C., Gao, P.,  Han, X.,  Jepson, N., Schindler, S. & Zhou, Q. 2024. China’s Digital Expansion in the Global South: Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda. The Information Society, 40, 2, 69-95

Foster, C.G. 2024. Conceptualising variety in platform capitalism: the dynamics of variegated capitalism in Thai digital marketplace platforms. Globalizations, 21, 5, 970-989

Foster, C.G. 2023. Theorizing globalized production and digitalization: Towards a re-centering of value. Competition & Change, 28, 1, 189-208

Foster, C.G. 2023. Intellectual property rights and control in the digital economy: Examining the expansion of M-Pesa, The Information Society, 40, 1, 1-17

Ndiege, J.R.A., Mwaura, L.M. & Christopher, F. 2023, Technology for Resilience amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Narratives from Small Business Owners in Kenya. The Electronic Journal Of Information Systems In Developing Countries, 89, 5, 1-15

Foster, C. & Bentley, C. 2022, Examining Ecosystems and Infrastructure Perspectives of Platforms: The Case of Small Tourism Service Providers in Indonesia and Rwanda. Communication of the Association of Information Systems. 50, pp. 690-710

Gong, H., Hassink, R., Foster, C., Hess, M. & Gerretsen H. 2022. Globalisation in Reverse? Reconfiguring the Geographies of Value Chains and Production Networks. Introduction to special issue, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 15(2), pp. 165–181.

Heeks, R., Rakesh, V., Sengupta, R., Chattapadhyay, S., & Foster, C.G. 2021, Datafication, value and power in developing countries: Big data in two Indian public service organizations. Development Policy Review, 39, 1, 82-102

Foster, C.G. & Azmeh, S. 2020, Latecomer economies and national digital policy: an industrial policy perspective. Journal of Development Studies, 56, 7, 1247-1262

Azmeh, S., Foster, C.G. & Echavarri, J., 2020. The International Trade Regime and the Quest for Free Digital Trade. International Studies Review, 22, 671-692

Krishnan, A. & Foster, C.G., 2018. A Quantitative Approach to Innovation in Agricultural Value Chains: Evidence from Kenyan Horticulture. European Journal of Development Research, 30, 1, -108-135.

Foster, C., Graham, M., Mann, L., Waema, T., Freiderici, N., 2018. Digital Control in Value Chains: Challenges of Connectivity for East African Firms. Economic Geography, 94, 1, 68-86.

Foster, C. & Graham, M., 2017. Reconsidering the Role of the Digital in Global Production Networks. Global Networks, 17, 1, pp. 66–88.

Foster, C.G., Heeks, R.B., 2014. Nurturing user–producer interaction: inclusive innovation flows in a low-income mobile phone market. Innovation and Development, 4, 2, 221-237

Heeks, R.B., Foster C.G., Nugroho, Y., 2014. New models of inclusive innovation for development. Innovation and Development, 4, 2, 175-185

Foster, C.G, 2014. Does Quality Matter for Innovations in Low Income Markets? The Case of the Kenyan Mobile Phone Sector. Technology in Society, 38, 119–129.

Foster, C.G., Heeks, R.B., 2013. Innovation and scaling of ICT for the bottom-of-the-pyramid. Journal of Information Technology, 28, 296–315.

Foster, C.G., Heeks, R.B., 2013. Analyzing policy for inclusive innovation: the mobile sector and base-of-the-pyramid markets in Kenya. Innovation and Development, 3, 103–119.

Foster, C.G., Heeks, R.B., 2013. Conceptualising Inclusive Innovation: Modifying Systems of Innovation Frameworks to Understand Diffusion of New Technology to Low-Income Consumers. European Journal of Development Research, 25, 333–355.

Foster, C.G., Heeks, R.B., 2010. Researching ICT Micro-Enterprise in Developing Countries: Themes, Wider Concepts and Future Directions. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 43, 1–20.

Other Published Papers

Foster, C. G. 2023. Shaping a digitalising infrastructure: Logistics and the dynamics of Chinese-Southeast Asian e-commerce, Digital Development Working Paper Series, No. 22, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, UK

Foster, C.G. & Azmeh, S. 2023.  Aligning Digital and Industrial Policy to Foster Future Industrialization, Policy Brief: Insights on Industrial Development, 4, UNIDO, Vienna, Austria.

Azmeh, S., Foster, C. & Abd Rabuh, A. 2021. The rise of the data economy and policy strategies for digital development. Digital Pathways at Oxford Paper Series; no. 10. Oxford, United Kingdom.

Foster, C.G., 2019. Conceptual framework for assessing value in the digital economy in developing countries, Background paper for the UNCTAD Information Economy Report 2017, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland.

Foster, C & Azmeh, S., 2019. E-Commerce and the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), Discussion paper, GEG Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.

Foster, C.G., Graham, M. & Waema, T., 2019. Making Sense of Digital Disintermediation and Development: The Case of the Mombasa Tea Auction, in Digital Economies at Global Margins, M. Graham (ed), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Azmeh, S. & Foster, C., 2018. Exploring Policy Tools for Promoting Digital Trade, Policy Briefing, GEG Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.

Azmeh, S. & Foster, C., 2018. Policy to Support Digital Trade: Lessons from Two Emerging Economies, Policy Briefing, GEG Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.

Azmeh, S. & Foster, C., 2018. Bridging the Digital Divide And Supporting Increased Digital Trade: Country Case Studies, Discussion Paper, GEG Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.

Azmeh, S. & Foster, C., 2018. Bridging the Digital Divide And Supporting Increased Digital Trade: Scoping Study, Discussion Paper, GEG Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.

Foster, C. & Azmeh, S. 2018. The Digital Trade Agenda and Africa. Bridges Africa, 7, 2

Rakesh, V., Heeks, R., Chattapadhyay, S., Foster, C.G., 2018 Big Data and Urban Transportation in India: A Bengaluru Bus Corporation Case Study, Development Informatics Working Paper, 72, University of Manchester,

Foster, C.G., 2017. Digitalisation and Trade: What Hope for Lower Income Countries?, Background paper for the UNCTAD Information Economy Report 2017, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland.

Sengupta, R., Heeks, R., Chattapadhyay, S., Foster, C.G., 2016. Exploring Big Data for Development: An Electricity Sector Case Study from India. Development Informatics Working Paper No. 66, University of Manchester

Foster, C.G. & Heeks, R.B., 2016. Drivers of Inclusive Innovation in Developing County Markets: A Policy Perspective, in Inclusive Innovation for Sustainable Development, N. Agola & A. Hunter (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 57–74.

Graham, M. & Foster, C.G., 2016. Geographies of Information Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa. The African Technopolitan, 4, pp. 78–85.

Azmeh, S. & Foster, C.G., 2016. The TPP and the Digital Trade Agenda: Digital Industrial Policy and Silicon Valley’s Influence on New Trade Agreements, LSE International Development Working Paper, 175, LSE.

Foster, C.G., 2015. Policies to Support Inclusive Innovation, Development Informatics Working Paper No. 61. University of Manchester.

Foster, C. G. and Graham, M., 2015. The Internet and Tourism in Rwanda. Oxford Internet Institute Report,

Foster, C. G. and Graham, M., 2015. Connectivity and the Tea Sector in Rwanda. Oxford Internet Institute Report,

Maitrot, M., Foster, C.G., 2014. Use of technology in delivering social protection: The Case of M-PESA, in: Rahmen, Z. H., Hulme, D., Maitrot, M., Ragno, L.P. (Eds.), Scaling-up Social Protection in Bangladesh. University Press Limited (UPL), Dhaka

Foster, C.G., Heeks, R.B., 2011. Employment and the Mobile Sector in Developing Countries, Background Paper for UNCTAD Information Economy Report 2011

Foster, C.G., 2011. ICTs and Informal Learning in Developing Countries, Development Informatics Working Paper No. 46. University of Manchester

Foster, C.G., Heeks, R.B., 2010. A Model for Understanding ICT Micro-Enterprise in Developing Countries, Background Paper for UNCTAD Information Economy Report 2010.

Conference Papers

Foster, C. G. 2023. Shaping a digitalising infrastructure: Logistics and the dynamics of Chinese-Southeast Asian e-commerce, Paper presented at Chinese Internet Research Conference, CIRC, Chiang Mai, Thailand, July

Foster, C.G. 2022. The digital economy, intellectual property rights and uneven power: examining the expansion of M-Pesa, Paper presented at SASE 2022, Amsterdam, July

Foster, C.G. 2022. Conceptualising variety in platform capitalism: Examining the drivers and tensions in Thai E-commerce platforms. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Economic Geography, June

Jimenez, A. & Foster, C. 2022. Negotiating Inclusion and Digital Entrepreneurship in a Zambian Innovation hub: A Post-colonial Perspective, Paper presented at IFIP9.4 online conference, June

Foster, C.G. 2021. Global Transfers: M-Pesa, Intellectual Property Rights and Digital Innovation, Paper presented at IFIP9.4 online conference, 26th May

Foster, C.G. & Azmeh, S. 2021 Economic justice and data in the era of surveillance capitalism, Paper presented at Data Justice online conference, 20th May

Foster, C. & Hoolohan, C. 2019. Expanding Industry 4.0: Social Science Approaches to Studies of Technology Change. Paper presented at: Post-Automation? Exploring Democratic Alternatives to Industry 4.0, Brighton, UK, Sep.

Foster, C.G. 2019. Implications of digitalisation in global production: Towards a re-centring of value. Paper presented at SASE 2019, New York, 27th June

Foster, C.G. 2017. Digitalization in Value Chains in Lower Income Countries: Exploring the Reconfiguration of Governance and Labour. Paper presented at: Digitalization and the Reconfiguration of Labour Governance in the Global Economy, Lausanne, Switzerland, 24th Nov.

Foster, C.G. 2017 The Rise of the Micro-Multinational? Small Enterprises and Digital Platform Engagement in Emerging Economies. Paper presented at: SASE 2017, Lyon, France, 27th Jun.

Azmeh, S. & Foster, C.G. 2016. Free trade agreements and internet rules: new actors, new agendas, Paper presented at Association of Internet Research Conference (AOIR), Berlin, Oct 2016

Foster, C.G. & Azmeh, S. 2016 Digital latecomer economies and national internet policy: The case of China. Paper presented at Internet Policy & Politics (IPP) 2016, Oxford, Sept 2016

Krishnan, A. & Foster, C.G. 2015. An Integrative Framework Linking Innovations and Value Chains: The Case of the Kenyan Horticulture Sector. Paper presented at CFIA/EADI Workshop on “How Can Frugal Innovations Become Inclusive Innovations,”

Foster, C.G., 2015. Reconsidering the Role of the Digital in Global Production Networks, Paper presented at Global Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG) .

Foster, C.G., 2015. Drivers of Inclusive Innovation in Developing County Markets: A Policy Perspective, Paper presented at GRM International Conference

Foster, C.G., Graham, M. 2015. From Connectivity to Digital Contestations: The Effects of Fibre-Optic Infrastructure on Firms in East Africa, Paper presented at Social Implications of computers Conference (IFIP9.4)

Foster, C.G., 2015. Rethinking Digital Disintermediation, Paper presented at American Association of Geographers Meeting

Graham, M., Foster, C.G., 2014 Geographies of Information Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Short paper presented at the Round Table on Inclusion in the Network Society

Foster, C.G., 2013. Does Quality Matter For Diffusion Of Innovations In Low Income Markets? The Case Of The Kenyan Mobile Phone Sector. Presented at the Development Studies Association Conference

Foster, C.G., 2013. Nurturing User-Producer Interaction: Innovation Flows in a Low Income Mobile Phone Market. Presented at the New Models of Innovation for Development Workshop

Foster, C.G., Heeks, R.B., 2012. Analyzing policy for inclusive innovation: the mobile sector and base-of-the-pyramid markets in Kenya. Presented at the GLOBELICS 2012.

Foster, C.G., 2010. Analysing Informal ICT Micro-Enterprises Using Activity Theory: The Case of Mobile Handset Regulation in India. Presented at the ICTD2010

Edited Books

Heeks, R.B., Foster C.G., Nugroho, Y. (eds), 2016. New models of inclusive innovation for development, Routledge


Foster, C.G., 2013. Micro-Enterprises and Inclusive Innovation: A Study of the Kenyan Mobile Phone Sector, PhD Thesis. University of Manchester

Foster, C.G., 2008. ICT’s and Informal Learning in the South, Masters Thesis. IDPM, University of Manchester